South Calcutta Girls' College

Affiliated to University of Calcutta | Accredited Grade A by NAAC | Recipient of RUSA 2.0 Grant | ISO 9001:2015 Certified

72, Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata 700025, West Bengal, India

+91 33 24753785 | | |



The department of Botany started its academic journey in the year 1932. Initially it was entrusted with imparting of knowledge to General Degree students which it continued to do with sincere effort till July, 2003. From 23.07.2003 the department was granted permission to conduct Honours course of study under the University of Calcutta.Currently the department is nearly saturated with 2 Assistant Professors, 2 CWTTs, 1 PTT and 1 Guest lecturer. The department also has 1 GLI and 1 Laboratory attendant to cater to the laboratory needs of the students perusing both Honours and General courses of study. The department has well-equipped laboratories and instruments to train the students in modern techniques of botanical-science as laid down by the University of Calcutta in its syllabus for both Honours and General courses of study. Most of the faculty members of the department have years of teaching and research experience. Presently 3 teachers are with doctorate degree while most others are perusing the same. The faculty members have publications in various national and international peer reviewed journals. Presently the intake capacity of the department in Honours stream is 34 which includes both general and reserved categories.

List Of Faculty in Botany Department

Name Qualification Designation Details
Dr. Ahinsuk Barua M.Sc, B.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D Assistant Professor( Stage-II ) View
Dr. Soma Chanda M Sc., B Ed., Ph D Assistant Professor(Stage-II) View
Dr. Salma Ghosh M.Sc, Ph.D State Aided College Teacher View
Rupa Mitra M.Sc, B.Ed State Aided College Teacher View
Dr. Sentu Kumar Dey M.Sc., PhD (BOTANY) State Aided College Teacher View




The teaching learning activities of the department are executed through lectures, practical-workouts and demonstrations, audio-visual presentations, group discussions etc.

Capacity Building

The different activities which possibly strengthen the Department are as follows-

  1. UGC sponsored educational inovation programme, XIPlan, 2007-12- subsequent impact of FarakkaBarrage on river regime, biodiversity and human health at Panchanandapur, Malda, WestBengal: a holistic approach- Study of community structure of local vegetation of Panchanandapur and its mutual relation with bank erosion by river Ganga.
  2. UGC sponsored educational inovation programme, XIIPlan, 2012-17- Study of community structure of local vegetation of Amgachia in the session 2016-2017.


Currently the scope of Botany in career building is enormous. Options of perusing a lucrative career in research and development is always present. Placement opportunities also lie in the academic sphere where the students can opt for teaching posts ranging from secondary schools to post-graduate institutions both in the private and government sectors. The course also qualifies students for well rewarding and prestigious jobs in the government sector such as IFS and WBFS.

Course offered

Undergraduate Honours course
Undergraduate General course


The following events had been conducted by the Department of Botany since 2016-

  • One-Day Seminar titled: Medicinal Plants, our silent Pharmacists. Principal Speaker Dr.S.K.Gupta, Senior Scientist, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur held on 28.01.16.
  • Participation of III(H) and II(H) students in a seminar held on SCIENCE DAY at Acharya Bhawan, Raja Bazar, organised by Kolkata Nivedita Shakti on 28.02.2018.
  • Participation of III(H) and II(H) students in publication of wall magazine titled KashPhul on 15.10.2018.
  • ˜Invited Lecture titled Pesticide poisoning: The hidden menace by Dr.Saswati Bhattacharya, Assistant Proferssor (WBES), Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam Government College, New Town, Kolkata- 700156 on 09.09.2019.
  • Participation of students of the department in publication of wall magazine titled KashPhul on 09.09.2019.

1. The Department of Botany, South Calcutta Girls College organized a ˜Two Days National Webinar titled ˜Plant Research In Welfare Of Human Beings in collaboration with Department of Botany, DinabandhuMahabidyalaya, Bongaon from 17.07.2020 to 18.07.2020.The program was inaugurated with an encouraging speech from Dr. Aparna De, the Honorable Principal of the college. The webinar recorded a total of 862 registered participants with many more joining the sessions through YouTube broadcast. Dr. Ashwini Kumar Srivastava, Retd. Scientist-G, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences and Dr. Sudha Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Kalyani University honoured the sessions as speakers. The two-day session was coordinated by Dr. Ahinsuk Barua, Assistant Professor and H.O.D., Department of Botany, South Calcutta Girls College. The technical part of the webinar was appreciably handled by Dr. Sentu Kumar Dey, Faculty, Department of Botany, South Calcutta Girls College. Overall whole-hearted participation by all other faculty members of the department made the event a grand success. Certificates were issued to all the registered participants and feedback were collected from them.
2. In order to develop oratorial skill of the students and to engage them in a constructive way during the depressing lock-down situation due to COVID-19, the Department of Botany organized the ˜Botany Seminar Lecture 2020 for the participation of the students of the department. The session spanned for eight days - 24.08.2020, 26.08.2020, 28.08.2020, 31.08.2020, 02.09.2020, 04.09.2020, 07.09.2020 and 09.09.2020.Dr. Aparna De, Honorable Principal of the college took time out of her busy schedule to inaugurate the session on the first day and encouraged the students with her enthusiastic words. A total of 83 students belonging to both Honours and General streams of study actively participated in the program and put up some really praise-worthy presentations.Certificates were issued to all the participants.
3. The Department of Botany organized a one day ˜Inter-College Quiz Competition on 22.09.2020. The theme of the program was ˜PLANT BIODIVERSITY Sustainable Development and Conservation. A total of 182 participants took part in the written quiz program which was conducted online. Certificates were issued to all the participants of the competition.
4. The Department of Botany organized a ˜Inter-College Poster Competition on 24.09.2020. The participants were offered two themes: A)Role of Plants in Shaping the Environment Across Time- Past, Present and FutureandB)Plants, the Defenders of Biodiversity: A Post Amphan Review. A total of 17 participants took part in the online poster competition which was conducted online. Certificates were issued to all the participants of the competition.


Last Modified : Sat 15th March 2025 at 11:05:27 AM