72, Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata 700025, West Bengal, India
+91 33 24753785 | southcalcuttagirlscollege@yahoo.com | principal.scgc@gmail.com | www.southcalcuttagirlscollege.com
About the Department:
The Department of Education was established in1932. It strives to generate interest among the students about various aspects of the subject. The students are also encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities. The Department invites eminent Speakers from India and abroad who contribute in enriching the academic excellence of the department. The department encourages the students to be self- dependent in future and to be a human being.
Year of Establishment: 1932
Courses offered: Under CBCS system of Undergraduate Studies, University of Calcutta, Education Honors (CC) and General (GE) courses
Faculty strength: Assistant Professor - 02 and Guest Lecturers - 02. Total = 04
Student Intake : For Honors: General-26, SC-11, ST-03, OBC-A-05, and OBC-B-03. Total= 48
For General: 100
Number of books authored:-
Books in Central Library 1757
Books in Departmental Library - 151
No. of publications in peer-reviewed journals: nil
List Of Faculty in Education Department
Name | Qualification | Designation | Details |
Soumita Das | M.A.,B.Ed., M. Phil | Assistant Professor | View |
Abhijit Mondal | M.A.,B.Ed., M. Phil | Assistant Professor | View |
Caroline Lepcha | M.A. | Assistant Professor | View |
Sujata Koley | M.A.,B.Ed | State Aided College Teacher | View |
2016-17 to 2018-19 (seminars, Work-shop, Wall Magazine, Debate & student seminar with power-point presentation):
Department of Education generally integrate content knowledge across disciplines and construct pedagogical content knowledge to provide culturally relevant instruction that prepares all students for the literacies needed in a changing and interdependent world. Besides, we also apply differentiation, evidence-based practices and assessment, and innovative technologies to meet the characteristics and needs of all students. Through, our innovative teaching and learning process, our classroom helps to improve more engagement of learner in their teaching and learning process and innovations.
Under CBCS system of Undergraduate Studies, University of Calcutta, Education Honors (CC) and General (GE) courses
RESEARCH(Major/ Minor research project by faculty members, primary data collection by student if any)
Debate, seminar, panel discussion, Student Seminar presentation with power-point, Work-shop etc)
a. A Webinar on Digital Teaching During Covid-19 Pandemic with Special Reference to Teaching Learning Process was organised by the Department of Education and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 3rd August 2020. The speakers at the event were Dr. Partha Sarthi Mallik (Assistant Professor and Head of the Department, School of Education, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur Odisha) and Dr. Abhijit Kumar Pal (Professor and Head of the Department of Education, West Bengal State University, Barasat).
b. A Webinar on National Policy of Education was organized on 25th August 2020 by the Department of Education in collaboration with the Department of Education, Udhaynarayanpur Madhbilata Mahavidyalaya.
c. An Online Power Point Presentation on Learning and Learning Theory was conducted on 31st August 2020 by the departmental students.
d. An Online Debate on 5th September 2020 was organised for the students of the department.
e. An Online Poster Presentation was held on 6th September 2020 by the departmental students.
Due to the pandemic situation, all the events were conducted in online mode through the institutional Google Meet platform.
Departmental Activities :
The Government of West Bengal celebrated Students’ Week from 1st January to 7th January, 2022 throughout the state. Hence, for this purpose South Calcutta Girls’ College had organised various programmes. The Department of Education in this week organised the Online Poster Competition for the Semester 1 students to enhance and encourage their talents. The poster competition was held on 4th January 2022 and the time of the competition was 12-1:30 pm. The topic was “Education in India during Ancient and Medieval period.”
On 21st December 2021, Department of Education organized a power point presentation for Semester III students. The topic of the presentation was “Domestic Violence.” The participants provided not only the concept about domestic violence but also elucidated the present scenario in the society with the measures for improving them.
The wall magazine was published by the students of Semester IV of the Department. The topic of the magazine was “Aspects of E-learning.” The magazine was published on 5th April 2022. The magazine was inaugurated by Prof. Chandana Chatterjee, Associate Professor in Geography. Supritty Samaddar, a student of IVth Semester, provided detailed information about how the different electronic devices help in teaching and learning. The magazine was mainly focused on how e-learning uplifts the skills and imparts knowledge apart from school and college education. It was the success of the effort and hard work of the students.
Last Modified : Sat 15th March 2025 at 11:06:49 AM